10 Trailer Storage Ideas to Help You Stay Organized

If one of your favourite pastimes is heading out to the campground in a RV trailer resort with your family, you’re probably always on the lookout for ways to better store your things. When camping for a longer period of time – like a week at a time or more – it’s nice to have some sense of order around the trailer.

The following are ten of the best trailer storage ideas that you may like to adapt to your living space:

1. Storage bins

Depending on the trailer, you may or may not have a lot of cupboard space. Either way, one of the best ways to organize yourself is to use bins. They stack easily, and can be stowed away in various nooks and crannies. You could even do some measuring and find out what sizes of storage bins will fit just right into certain spots in the trailer.

2. Dry food containers

Instead of bringing the entire package of food from home, just bring an airtight container full of the things you might want, like pasta, rice, beans, or nuts. The containers will be easier to stack and store than the various sizes of boxes and bags your dry goods come in, and you can leave excess at home.

3. Optimize shelf space

The shelf space you do have in a trailer will likely be fairly limited (as compared to what you probably have at home) so you’ll want to use that space wisely. If you aren’t using the full height of the shelf, you might consider putting a rack on top of the shelf or hanging one underneath to double up your space.

4. Hide your garbage

Your garbage could be a bigger space sucker than necessary. If you have the option to get an over the cabinet garbage can, that would be one of the ideal trailer storage ideas. Then you don’t lose the space under your cabinet for storing other things like garbage bags and cleaning supplies. But if this isn’t an option for you, you could try tucking it into a corner and then attaching it in the corner with bungee cords so it doesn’t migrate and get in the way.

5. Use magnets

Magnets are great trailer storage ideas. Using magnets and Velcro to stick things to walls or the sides of surfaces can help keep things in their place when the trailer is on the move, and keep them out of the way when you’re trying to unclutter your space. For example, attach remote controls with Velcro to the side of a cabinet in the living room area.

In the kitchen, attach a magnetic strip to the wall and hang your knives and other light, metal objects. Alternatively, attach magnet strips to non-metal objects and stick them to surfaces too.

6. Get stackables

If you can find items that stack well – like bowls and pots and pans in your kitchen – you’re going to be able to save a bunch of space. Having mismatched items is often the way in the trailer, as it’s often made up of the odds and ends from around the house that could be spared.

However, when it comes to storage, try to get sets of things that stack. Alternatively, things that fold up or collapse are good options. Collapsible items can be anything from mixing bowls to strainers in the kitchen to ottomans in the living room and even garbage cans.

7. Bring your own furniture (BYOF)

Although trailers are generally equipped with the basics, why not bring in some furniture of your own? Adding in a small side table, shoe rack, or other pieces that can fit into corners and cupboards can help increase the amount of storage in your trailer.

8. Organize your shoes

Use hanging shoe racks as an alternative to hangers in a closet. Shoe racks have multiple small and medium sized divided sections that can store more than just shoes. Use it to separate your shirts, shorts, and pants to keep your closet ultra organized. You can use other divided storage containers in drawers or on shelves to keep items separated and organized too.

9. Expand your counter

One place where trailers are often lacking in storage is when it comes to counter space. By using a solid wooden cutting board to cover the stove, you can increase the amount of prep space you have when the stove is not in use. Using a cutting board for this added counter space also means your prep space will always be ready to go.

10. Keep medication without the clutter

Pill bottles may be small, but they can sure cause a bunch of clutter quickly. If you’re leaving on a camping trip well-prepared for anything, you could have 10 or more pill bottles – everything from actual prescriptions to Advil, Tylenol, Gravol, Tums, and any other number of ailment-relieving medications. Simply get a couple of weekly pill holders and put different pills in each slot. Tape the label on top so you know which is which.