5 DIY Tips to Repair Your Air Conditioner

Air conditioners are possibly one of the greatest inventions coming out of the 20th century. Although there haven’t been too many advancements or innovations in the world of A/C units, they are still effective at achieving its primary goal: keeping you cool in the long, hot summer.

Unfortunately, like any other piece of technology, if you run it all day long during the entire June-to-September period, it will start to break down. This is natural.

Rather than immediately contacting a professional A/C repairman, you can employ some rudimentary do-it-yourself (DIY) measures.

Here are five DIY tips to repair your conditioner:

1. Change Your Filter – It’s Getting Old

One of the very first chores to do when getting your air conditioner ready for the dog days of summer is to check your filter. It’s getting old, it has accrued a lot of dust, and it can really impact your indoor air quality.

You have two options: clean the A/C filter or replace it with a new one.

Ultimately, it is recommended that you replace the filter every six months or so, but if you check it regularly and clean it frequently, then you can expand its lifespan by a few more months.

2. An Accumulation of Ice? Melt It

Since the air conditioner is blowing a lot of cool air, the unit could potentially experience an accumulation of ice, which doesn’t allow it to cool properly.

The simple measure to employ is to melt the ice.

Here is what you can do: turn the system off and run the fan to melt the ice at a faster pace. Or, you can shut down the A/C and allow the ice to melt on its own.

3. Give Your A/C Unit a Good Cleaning


Over time, especially if you’re running the machine 12 hours a day, seven days a week throughout the summer, the A/C unit can attract a lot of dirt, dust, bacteria, pests, and a whole host of other factors that can impact your comfort.

The best thing you can do is to clean the unit on a regular basis. After a rain storm or some heavy winds, you should take a wet cloth and an all-purpose cleaner and begin to wipe it down.

Should you neglect to incorporate this task into your routine, your unit could erode faster.

4. Ensure the Air Vents Are Open

Is your home not cooling down properly? Is sweat dripping from your brow even though the unit is at a cool 10 degrees? Well, perhaps the household isn’t cooling down because the air vents are not open. This could be the chief cause why a room isn’t becoming a refrigerator.

Before you grab your wrench, screwdriver, and hammer, you need to determine if the air vents are open and not blocked by any other item in your home.

5. Toss a Blanket on the Noise

Older air conditioners tend to produce a lot of noise, even if you have recently added a newer condenser. Unfortunately, much of the noise is likely emanating from the compressor.

You may want to toss it in the garbage, but it is still functioning.

The simple solution is to contact the manufacturer and order a sound blanket specifically designed for your model. Another idea is to acquire a universal blanket.

Don’t worry about complicated instructions. Installation is simple.

Summer is here, and you know what that means? In addition to all the benefits – barbecues, sunshine, beautiful gardens, and a lackadaisical attitude – you will endure 35-degree days, unbearable humidity, and higher energy bills from continually running your air conditioner, fans, and opening the freezer door every hour to stick your head inside.

Summer doesn’t need to be uncomfortable. As long as you have your A/C up and running, and you have completed all the maintenance tips and performed the necessary air conditioning repair, you can transform your home into a meat locker.

The deep freeze has never been so comfortable.