5 Meaningful Activities You Can Do to Help the Environment

With all the politics and hysteria sounding global warming, it’s hard to decide what to believe. However, one thing we can all agree on is that humans certainly have the opportunity to do a better job of managing their individual impact on the environment. Technology and increased awareness over the years have made doing your part for the environment a simple task. Check out these five ways you can impact the environment in your personal life!

1. Become A Smart Gardener

When it comes to gardening, just adding new plants to the environment and creating food sources for insects is a great contribution to the environment. Another reason gardening is great is because it creates many opportunities to aid the environment.

Instead of using plastic bags to throw away leaves, put the leaves into your flowerbeds or under your shrubs. The nutrients from the leaves and dead flowers work to increase your soil’s fertility which makes your garden require less water. Collecting rainwater is another way to significantly reduce your water usage while providing your plants with nutrient-rich water.

Starting a small compost is another excellent way to repurpose waste from your house. Compost eventually turns into potent manure, which helps to accelerate the growth and health of your plants. All you need is to clear a small space in your yard for the compost and start collecting all the organic waste from your house.

2. Help People With Computer Recycling

Computer recycling is an area that requires special attention. Computers can’t be dealt with like regular recyclables which makes education around recycling computers especially important. Without the proper procedures, computer waste poses a significant threat to the environment.

If you’re like most families in Canada and the United States, chances are you have an extra computer, monitor or keyboard lying around somewhere. Start by getting familiar with the electronics recycling regulations in your area. Once you find out where to take your computer waste, you can help your family and friends and safely dispose of their e-waste.

3. Unplug Electronics When Not In Use

A simple way to save money on utilities is to unplug your devices when you’re not using them. Believe it or not, you’re paying extra money every month to power your devices while they’re on standby. Try unplugging your TV, toaster, microwave, hair curler and other devices when you’re not using them for a month and see if you notice a difference on your electrical bill.

4. Plant A Tree

As the famous saying goes, the best time to plant a tree is today, but the second best is tomorrow. Planting a tree in your garden gives you shade which can help lower your energy costs. Not only is it cooler when you’re sitting outside, but trees can also prevent sunlight from heating up your home through the windows, which can reduce the need for air conditioning.

Trees also release oxygen into the atmosphere and absorb harmful carbon dioxide in the area. Planting a tree is a great way do your part for the environment and enhance your garden at the same time.

5. Buy In-Season Or Local Fruits

Another way to enhance the environment is to support local produce. Patronizing your local farmers market is an excellent way to combat the adverse effects of transporting food across the globe.

It takes a ton of energy to transport food from their natural locations, especially during the winter. Although it may be nice to enjoy avocado in the winter, it doesn’t come without a cost to the environment. Supporting your local farmers is great for your city and the environment.