6 Best Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure

On a global scale, high blood pressure is one of the most common conditions people are living with. If not treated, HBP could put you at risk of getting other serious complications such as heart disease or stroke. In the United States, 75 million people live with high blood pressure, and only about half that number can say they have their condition under control.

If you already have high blood pressure, the key thing to note is that it is not a death sentence. However, you need to learn how to keep it in check by adopting the easy-to-implement home remedies for high blood pressure. To regulate high blood pressure, there are several highly effective home remedies you should try out:

1. Loose the Extra Pounds

If you are overweight, shedding off those extra pounds will go a long way in managing your blood pressure. It is one of the most beneficial lifestyle changes that are sure to control your blood pressure. Besides high blood pressure, an overweight person faces other complications such as sleep apnea, which may further raise their blood pressure.

Other than just lowering your overall weight, always keep a keen eye on your waistline. Statistics show that men with a waistline larger than 40 inches, and women with a waistline of more than 35 inches, are at a higher risk for exhibiting high blood pressure signs.

2. Regular Exercise

Without a doubt, exercising is great for your health. Among the benefits of regular exercise is regulating blood pressure. If you have elevated blood pressure, regular exercise will prevent the development of hypertension or lower your blood pressure if you already have hypertension.

Important to remember is that these exercises should be done regularly to avoid HBP relapses. Examples of some simple aerobic exercises that could help lower your blood pressure include walking, jogging, cycling, dancing and swimming.

3. Minimize Sodium Intake in your Diet

Taking too much salt is not good for you. You are better off taking too little salt than too much of it. There are numerous instances where excess sodium intake resulted in high blood pressure.

When you overeat salt, your body retains water, which results in a sharp increase in blood pressure. The recommended daily sodium intake is between 1500 and 2300 milligrams. Avoiding raw salt is also essential; so, think twice before picking up that salt shaker.

4. Limit Alcohol Intake

Surprisingly, alcohol is one of the better home remedies for high blood pressure. If taken in moderation, alcohol may help lower your blood pressure.  One drink a day, which equates to 12 ounces of beer, is recommended for women; and two drinks for men.

If taken excessively, alcohol can be a health hazard and could cause your blood pressure to spike by several points. So, if you can’t keep off alcohol, stick to the recommended daily intake to avoid blood pressure complications.

5. Avoid Stress

While it may not be possible to prevent stress totally, how you cope with it will determine whether your health is likely to be compromised or not. High blood pressure is among health complications that arise from chronic stress.

When stressed out, some people over-indulge in alcohol or food in a bid to cope with the stress. Always seek to establish the root cause of your stress and come up with ways to reduce or eliminate it. You should also try, as much as possible, to avoid all stress triggers.

6.  Cut Back on Caffeine

While the jury on the effects of caffeine intake on a person’s blood pressure is still out there, it is believed that excessive caffeine intake would ultimately cause your blood pressure to spike.

Rather than wait for the jury on whether or not caffeine causes high blood pressure, you are better off reducing your caffeine intake. So, the next time you sip your favourite cup of coffee, check your blood pressure 30 minutes later to see if your blood pressure is affected.

7. Eat Healthy Foods

Adhering to the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet will lower your blood pressure. This diet consists of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, lean meat, fish, nuts, and avoiding foods that are high in saturated fats. To stick to this diet plan, always read the food and beverages labels when shopping. You should also add some potassium to your food to reduce the effects of sodium on your blood pressure. Although switching to a healthy diet you are not accustomed to is not easy, in the long run, you will reap the benefits of a healthy body.

High blood pressure is a global pandemic. So many people have died from hypertension-related conditions that it is simply impossible to ignore the ravages of high blood pressure. The good thing is that there are remedies such as exercising and maintaining a healthy diet that could lower your chances of contracting HBP. It is important that you regularly monitor your blood pressure, and if you notice a problem, explore the different treatment options available to get ahead of it.