8 Best Home Remedies for Cystic Acne

Cystic acne is known to be the most severe type of acne you can get. This acne occurs deep below the skin when oil, skin cells, and bacteria get trapped in a pore. Most commonly appearing on the face, neck and back, cystic acne tends to cause large red lumps that are painful to touch.

Cystic acne causes painful inflammation deep under the skin. Most people suffering from this type of acne need the help of a cosmetic clinic. However, you can try remedies at home to help prevent breakouts and keep them from worsening.

If you are suffering from cystic acne and are looking for ways to treat them, this article covers the most successful home remedies you can try.

Remedy #1: Ice

Ice can help reduce discomfort and inflammation if you have a particularly painful cyst. Don’t rub the ice cube on the breakout directly; wrap it in a paper towel or cloth to prevent it from burning the skin. Keep the cold pack on for about ten minutes, stopping if you experience numbness or if the pain increases. The cold causes the blood vessels in the area to constrict, decreasing the size and redness of the cyst almost immediately. For best results, apply ice three times daily.

Remedy #2: Aspirin Mask

An aspirin mask may help reduce the pain and inflammation of cystic acne. To make this mask, crush up a few aspirin tablets and mix them with enough water to make a paste. Spread the paste right on the breakout. It can irritate some people’s skin, so be aware of this.

After ten minutes, rinse off the paste with warm water. This spot treatment can be repeated twice a day. Take care with this mask when treating your cystic acne. Using this remedy too often can dry out your skin, and over-dryness can lead to further breakouts. Also, this is not the remedy if you have a known salicylate allergy.

Remedy #3: Vinegar Rinse

Vinegar has natural antibacterial properties, making it a beneficial at-home treatment for cystic acne. To make a rinse for your face, dilute two tablespoons of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar into three cups of water.

Dip a cotton pad into the diluted solution and pat it onto the areas you want to treat. Use this on your acne each morning and night. Watch for signs of irritation, as vinegar has drying properties and may not be the best solution for sensitive skin.

Remedy #4: Turmeric Mask

The common spice, turmeric, contains curcumin, which can be helpful for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Make it into a paste by mixing it with water. Apply the paste directly to the cystic acne and leave it on for about thirty minutes, then rinse off thoroughly with warm water.

The active ingredients will work to reduce redness and inflammation at the site of the breakout. It’s not advisable to leave it on any longer, as turmeric can stain your skin.

Remedy #5: Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is commonly found in skincare products. It is anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, making it useful in the fight against cystic acne. It can decrease the number of bacteria on the skin, as well as reduce existing inflammation.

Dilute the tea tree essential oil with a carrier oil like almond or coconut oil before applying it as a spot treatment on your cystic acne. Allow the oil to dry before following up with your usual moisturizer. Tea tree oil can be used twice a day.

Remedy #6: Warm Compress

If a whitehead has formed in the center of the cyst, you can try applying a warm compress to the area. Soak a clean cloth in hot water, ring it out, and gently place it on the cyst for ten minutes. You can use a warm compress three or four times daily to encourage healing.

Remedy #7: Baking Soda

Baking soda may be helpful in the fight against cystic acne because of its ability to absorb excess oil. It will also kill the bacteria on the skin that causes the cyst to develop. Use two tablespoons of baking soda mixed with just enough water to make a paste.

Apply the paste to the area you want to treat and leave it on for up to twenty minutes or until it dries on your skin. Once dry, rinse with warm water and then use your regular moisturizer.

Remedy #8: Professional Skin Care

If you suffer from cystic acne, seeing a dermatologist or licensed skin care professional is always a good idea. They can make recommendations that complement any at-home remedies you are using. Since cystic acne can have a hormonal cause, it is also essential to rule out any other health issues that may be a factor.