How to Catch Your Spouse Cheating at Home

Falling in love with a partner is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world to experience. You meet, get to know each other, and then decide to take the that significant leap together. Down the line, that leap may turn into something monumental, such as marriage. After that has transpired, a happily ever after can be experienced together.

Unfortunately, some happy endings are not meant to last due to various issues. One of the biggest dealbreakers of any marriage or relationship is adultery. Out of sight and out of mind may not be enough to save your marriage. Your spouse could be cheating on you, and your suspicions are often correct. However, you will need solid proof.

Here is a guide on how to catch your spouse cheating:

1. Check your spouse’s phone

Since this can be seen as a drastic invasion of privacy, it could be the last resort for most. However, it may prove viable if you feel there is an opportunity to catch your cheating spouse in their tracks. If your spouse leaves their phone open for a bit and is not nearby, you may be tempted to go through the device.

Text or social media messages could be the key to determining if something adulterous is at play. Or, there may be more ambiguous interactions on the device that could imply cheating. Either way, it is crucial not to let this be your first line of investigation as it may backfire!

2. Weird phone usage

Marriages require a lot of work to keep them healthy long-term. Sometimes, partners may experience bumps in the road that could easily be rectified. However, if left to rot, there could seldom be any chance of opening up. If your partner is suspected of cheating, look at their habits.

They may be using their phone during important interactions, such as having a meal together. Should this be the case, they may be turning their attention to someone else who they care about. Even if they return to the conversation, it is important to keep this in the back of your mind if you are to confront them.

3. Spouse is non-responsive

An extension of the previous point concerns how well your spouse communicates with you. Sometimes, they may pretend you are not even there when trying to get a word out of them. At other times, you may spontaneously be the subject of their world, where they shower you with affection.

If this form of communication seems to have come out of nowhere, it may be because they are being adulterous. Always stay level-headed about this, as it is not directly an admission of guilt. On the other hand, you should ask your spouse where this form of communication is coming from.

4. Spouse has erratic work hours

Some of us may lead busy lives due to the type of career we are in. We form close relationships with others when we spend excessive time at work. In some cases, we may even see our colleagues more than we see our loved ones. This could be a classic setup for a spouse who is possibly cheating on you.

If you feel this may be the case, it may be tempting to show up at their work and get a bead on who they’re seeing. It could be a red flag if your partner spends much time at work instead of home. Once you determine these patterns, contact a private investigator for your cheating spouse. The investigator will collect proof of their office infidelity.

5. Snoop around

Social media has provided us with many ways to look someone up in our online world. In some cases of adultery, a partner may flock to the medium to interact with someone they like. Some relationship experts suggest creating a fake profile to see what they may be up to. It could seem unnecessary, but you never know what it may lead to!

6. Bank statements

For those who share joint bank accounts, you may be inclined to also check your statements. Double-check with your spouse if you notice a significant amount of funds gone. It may result from spending money on the person they see outside the marriage.

7. Confront your spouse

There is only so much you can do to determine if a spouse is cheating. Should you feel that there is enough evidence on your side for the truth, you will have to confront them about it. Of course, this is easier said than done. However, you deserve to know the truth, even if it hurts you!